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Attendance Information

Students will be required to sign and abide by an attendance contract stating that they will not miss more than: 

3 sessions per term for day time/regular school year students

      2 sessions per term for summer school students


If a student goes above the 3 absences, he or she will be required to make up that class period within one week of the absence. If he or she does not, they may be dropped from the class.

Tardiness Information

If a student comes in after class begins, he or she will be considered tardy. Once a student has 3 tardies, he or she will be required to make up 45 minutes before or after school. If tardies are not made up for a class, credit for the class will not be granted. If a student is 30 minutes late, it will be considered an absence.


There is a required number of attendance hours that will have to be met in order for the student to receive credit for the class.

Northwest Area Learning Center
ALC: Home of the Prowlers
Contact information:


Please call the Attendance Line to report absences:

(218) 681-7051

or contact:

Loren Leake